Whether you live in the Charlotte, NC area or far away, the on-demand membership will provide you with a wide variety of classes to help you gain and maintain more strength, mobility, calm, and overall body control. There are classes for all levels and range in duration from 10 minutes to one hour. These classes are great to give you more easily available and clear instruction outside of other training to help you address missing fitness and health links. You’ll find search filters for level, duration, and body focus. There’s also a convenient Favorites tab so you can create your own library and access those videos quickly.
Sandvi Studio Membership

Pilates & Barre Classes

Over 200 Classes to Choose From

24/7 On-Demand Access

Membership is $19/month

Mobility, Strength, & Self Care

Try For One Week Free!

There is good reason why legendary choreographers sent their dancers to Joseph Pilates to “fix” their injuries and why dancers are drawn to his method to supplement their training to this day! His method, originally called Contrology, is an amazing system of exercises performed on a mat or on his specially designed equipment to strengthen the entire body. From beginner to advanced classes, enjoy Sabrina’s experienced instruction and contemporary approach on your journey to a happy and healthy body, mind, and spirit! Other than simple props, no equipment is necessary for mat classes.


If you’ve never taken an actual Ballet barre, be prepared to be amazed at the incredible “workout” it is! It’s a fantastic way to tone your entire body. You’ll also increase your single leg balance as well as posture and body control. Enjoy learning the basics in the privacy and comfort of your home. If you prefer a less traditional class, you’ll also find workout based classes with an emphasis on that famous burn but with an eye toward long-term safety for your joints. No barre required, just a sturdy chair, countertop, or windowsill.


Sabrina has spent countless hours exploring and learning about the role fascia plays in our bodies’ functioning. As Science continues to bring more information to light, here you’ll find easy ways to apply that knowledge to your daily/weekly life to help prevent injury or assist healing ones already present. As someone who used to suffer anxiety attacks, Sabrina has experienced firsthand how implementing proper fascial care as well as breath pattern correction can completely alter our body’s and mind’s state for the better.

Mobility & Strength

Using the foundation of Functional Range Conditioning®, Kinstretch®, and Internal Strength Model® Training along with other mobility-focused movement, you’ll have home access to science-based joint, connective tissue, and muscle training. You’ll learn clear techniques that give you the power to assess your personal ranges of motion, joint health, and strength as well as give you a clear path forward to progress.

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